I have no one to blame but myself. I over ate everyday. A few of the days I just couldn't stop myself. A beer here, a beer there. Mmmmmm beer..... Yellow sub! I love YELLOW SUB! Cookies, brownies, chips! Mmmmmm coookies..... Moderation is ok, but this week I went a LOT overboard. A LOT OVERBOARD. How in the hell did I not gain 20lbs???? Fell off the over eating wagon bad. BOOOOO!!!!!!
Bad week! Bad bad bad week! It gets worse. Super cold on Monday! Should have warmed up longer. Should have stretched more. Felt some tightness in my shins and then tightness in my hammy soon after. BAM! I've been limping around since Monday! STINKS!!!!!!!!!!! Its killing me that I've haven't been able to go for a run or at least for a stupid power walk! My leg is slowly feeling better. I sure wish I had my fast healing young body from 15 years ago!
Which brings me to one of my goals this month...........Jennie laid down the law today and I WILL not be running in the 5K next week. BOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! I'm upset, but deep down, I know she's right. This goal I will not be hitting.........
I am hoping that I will be healed up enough to participate with my kids for the 1 mile walk/run.
Picking myself up and dusting off. Past Jimbo would just give up and go back to my old ways. New Jimbo learns and moves on! Jimbo likes the new Jimbo. (Like how I went third person there?)
Picking myself up and dusting off. Past Jimbo would just give up and go back to my old ways. New Jimbo learns and moves on! Jimbo likes the new Jimbo. (Like how I went third person there?)
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