HALLOWEEN!!!! I love me some Halloween. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. Its the one time or the year you can dress up crazy and no one cares. Its AWESOME! I love it! This year, we did a haunted house! Its been 3 years since the last one. And man was it great! (Video to come). Its by far the best haunted house we have done. We started building at the beginning of October and we finished a few days before Halloween. We opened the house for two days this year. It was great! I love scaring the kids and adults. Had some great scares this year. As Dallas would say, it was EPIC! I'm already counting down the days to the next one!!!!!!! 358 days left.......

Chili Cookoff at Peavine Elementary was great! I take two days off from work and I make chili with the class kids. Of course with Jennie's help. Its great fun. I look forward to it every year. Some good chili and some that were horrible with a mix of terrible. There was one that was so bad, I actually spit it out into the garbage, and then looked around for anything to get the nasty taste out of my mouth. Never new that the outside wall would taste so good! Of course I thought my chili was the best, but I only got spiciest this year. Oh well. I have 22 kids, so I still lots of chances to win one time!

The job front in October was interesting. I'm starting to hate my job. Which is terrible. I bored out of my mind. I look forward to lunch and quitting time. I get so much exercise walking back and forth to the water cooler. Which leads to me going to the bathroom 84 times a day. There some changes in the workplace that has got me stressed out. Not work stress OBVIOUSLY, but what is going to be changing worried stressed out. I've been looking in Reno for another job for the last 10 months, but the job prospects in Reno are BLEAK. If the economy is changing for the better, I don't see it. I've decided to quit worrying about it. Lets see what changes happens. This is not the first time and Jennie and I seem to always figure it out for the better.
October lifestyle updates. My October was terrible. I've been stress eating like crazy. I know what I need to do. I got little exercise. The good, I haven't gained any extra weight. The bad, I missed every single easy attainable goal I set for myself this month. Pretty pissed off at myself. I'm picking myself up, dusting off. Its a new a new month.

Be positive stay positive. Good karma always come.
BTW! I'm terrible and updating this thing. I will get better.
I didn't reach my October goals either. There is safety in numbers. And since I won't make weight in November either, you should post that chili recipe. Just sayin...