Let me start by saying I love Thanksgiving. Love everything about it. It may be my favorite or a least top five. Is Superbowl Weekend a holiday? It should be one, it sure does feel like one. So don't get me wrong. I love everything about it. If you love good food, Thanksgiving is pefect for you. You like the Lions? Probably the ONLY time you will see them on TV all year. I love watching the beloved Cowboys on Thanksgiving every year. Seeing old friends and family. Family, friends, food and football! How can that all be bad right? So I know what your thinking. What is so bad, so evil, so awful about Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving is a healthy lifestyle change killer! I guarantee its on the FBI's most wanted list. It has to be! Thanksgiving destroys men and womens healthy lifestyle changes across the country. Its pure evil I tell you! After my 4 day weekend on feasting on Turkey Day food and leftovers, I gained 5lbs! I feel like one of those balloons in the Thanksgiving Day parade. Big, bloated, ovesized balloon waddling through the streets. I'm the big ass Stay-Puft Marshmallow man in Ghostbusters. Wrecking havoc on all the pumpkin pies, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, turkey and gravy in my way!
All is not lost though. I knew there would be some aftermath. I had prepared myself mentally to deal with this. I must be totally honest (used car salesman speak), I didn't think it would be 5lbs. I thought maybe 1, 2 at the most. But what the hell! I enjoyed good eats for a few days! Got back on track on the following Monday. Starting working out again. Not overeating. Calorie watching. By the end of the week I was down 2lbs. In the past, the weight gain would have destroyed me mentally. I would have gone over the deep end and ate everything in sight. This journey has really changed me. I've learned how to deal with these set backs. You can't see me, but I'm patting myself on the back and giving myself a hug.
Before Thanksgiving: 234
After Thanksgiving: 239
Currently: 237
My goal world is to be 231 - 234 by the end of the month. Thats 1-2lbs a week. A very realistic goal.
Be positive and stay positive.
Thanks for the detailed account of your weight gains and losses. I will be following closely and cheering each pound (up or down) because, well, food is fun and so is weight loss. It's always a win.