Opps! I reached Defcon 5! All on Christmas Eve. My first day of actual vacation. THE FIRST FREAKIN' DAY! I had high hopes that I would keep myself busy enough to make it pass the weekend. TERRIBLE! I did good in the morning. I kept myself pretty busy. I did the dishes, cleaned the kitchen a little to get ready for TACO THURSDAY. Even tried to watch a little TV. I cannot believe that there is nothing on during the day. NOTHING! What happened to all the game shows? Is Springer not on anymore? And seriously......no college football game? I could have sworn the Weedwacker Bucket of Chicken Bowl was on.

First....I tried to make my kids pay rent. They came into a little money, so they need to pay rent. Who cares that they have been living rent free for years. Who cares that they are only 11, 9 and 7. Well Parker is 12 today. Happy Birthday Parker! They have money, they pay rent. Well you know that didn't go well. Running to mommy to tell on me. Can you believe my kids actually tell on me??? MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY!
Second......I don't even remember how it lead to this. So it must have been really stupid and dumb. Maybe some idiotic rolled up in there too. I got Jennie to drop the F-bomb. Yes she actually dropped the F-bomb with a conversation with me. She never cusses. Never ever. I may have even received the stank combo evil eye. But I was too scared to look at her.
Its Saturday, I'm still married. I have slept in my own bed. So its all good I think. Knock on wood. Saturday is a long day. Is divorce court open on Saturday? I hope not.
Happy New Year!
BTW: Black Bean Vegetarian Taco Recipe post coming. Now you can experience some of the thrills of TACO THURSDAY!
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