What is the Old Man Syndrome? Is there such a thing as the Old Man Syndrome?

I mean, going to bed at 9:00 is NOT too early right? Come on, I'm one of the few that still have a job and I have to wake up early. Is 5:00am too early? I guess it doesn't REALLY take me 3 hours to get ready for work. I do watch the news and Sportscenter. What is wrong with naps during the day. Sometimes that couch is damn comfortable and it makes me tired........a little power nap never hurt anybody. Oh the LOUD music and LOUD TV! Why so loud. I can't hear my talk radio over your blairing hippity hop. You can't hear? Cut your hippy hair so you can hear better! I enjoy my peace and quiet time. Lets me catch up to my Sports Illustrated article of the Cowboys whooping on the Eagle a week ago. People still read magazines and newspapers right? I know the internet is instant access. But a good read of old news never hurt anybody right? Just because I ask Parker to help me put together that new and improved electronic device doesn't mean that I can't do it......it means I don't want to do it. And who doesn't like a good old drawn out story. Just because my kids give me that glazed over look when I reminense of record players, 8-track, VHS/Beta tape war, VCR's, MTV that actually played music, cassette tape, my old Sony Walkman, all bowl games on New Years day, naptime in kindergarten, popcorn cooked on a stove, 4 TV channels, TV dinners from the oven, the Berlin Wall, Soviet Union, Pluto is a planet, Yugo, Saturday morning cartoons, Adam West Batman (BOOM!), candy cigarettes, Tab soda, American Bandstand, Australian Rules Football on ESPN all the time, Monday Night Baseball, Yogoslavia, Gilligan's Island, .79 cent a gallon ga......OH NO! I AM OLD! I DO HAVE THE OLD MAN SYNDROME!

Its time to fight back. Welcome back the all nighters! Embrace Hannah Montana on Saturday morning. Who cares that the New Years Day bowl games are spread over 2 weeks. Embrace modern technology. Have Parker teach me how to operate that new fangled electronic device. Enjoy my 400 channels of nothing to watch! Sleep in til noon like Dallas. Quit being crabby, grab a water, don't fall asleep on the couch, and blog my drawn out old man stories!
Youngling beware! Here comes an old man to wreck havoc and embarrass you in public!
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